
sexta-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2014

PushPull-Exagg Final

PUSH PULL - The Legend of the All-Nighter
Final render (or what I could do in a certain limit of time huhu)
Version with no sound effects X.x

ipinho Exaggerated from Isabela Littger on Vimeo.

sábado, 7 de dezembro de 2013

Little Pick

A little pick on my Push-Pull`s process.... I still have to finalize my texturing, lighting, rendering and...... kjfhkdslakjdhs Everything <3

Char Designs

Final Design

BG Texture

Small Render with no Compositing, no disp maps...Missing occlusion and laksjdkhfdkjs so many things to fix....

This is the only render I have of my guy right now, but its not the final modeling...

And a Small Play-blast of my Exaggerated animation... I Learned a lot LIKE SO MUCH about animation, and I learned many things I will NOT do next time haha :)

ipinho Exaggerated from Isabela Littger on Vimeo.



ipinho AtoReSubmit from Isabela Littger on Vimeo.

ipinho FinalRedoWitness from Isabela Littger on Vimeo.

ipinho FINAL from Isabela Littger on Vimeo.

ipinho LipsyncFinalRedo from Isabela Littger on Vimeo.

Final DFA

DFA - Final projects





DFA - 2 Project

Caricature :


Ultimate Update

DFA  Project 1- Design Lab 

Final Chars:


segunda-feira, 19 de agosto de 2013

ADIOS Sketchbook


You know that AWESOME feeling of finally being close to finishing a sketch book? WELL, I just lost mine this summer: MAH HOGWARTS SKETCH BOOK. TT__TT I am really depressed about it, cuz there were many memories in there DD: DFGHJDKSLA]

 BUT LUCKILY! I took a few pictures of some of it`s content before it vanished. <3
So here it goes what lasted from what I did this summer: KFJDGHFKLS;KFJDLjdfhgjdksladjdfh.


^ This was the LAST thing I did from the sketch book. bghjfkdlsa
And the awfully taken sketch book picture TT__TT :

Some random photoshop sketches:

This is a flkgjkfdsla digital thingy I did last year while waiting for a pc in the 24h labs. I am never finishing it, so BAH. I am posting it here.

And the last picture I could recover. ldskfjghkl
RIP Hogwarts Sketchbook.


My Boyfriend and I decided to do a last minute small modeling project together. We agreed that each of us was gonna model one of my concept character Louis(Me) and Philip(Brian - http://briankodama.blogspot.com/). 

As always, he freakingly did an amazing job,while mine looks crappy. aOUHISALISA

Lesson learned, though: Make sure that your character sheet reference makes sense, MATCHES, before you even start. SRSLYF DSAIFJGHJDKD

So, here is what we have done so far. (Dont mind the render/LIGHTING)  Mine was done in maya while his was done in XSI.

I hope i ever find time to finish it, and add the props....


 I leave it at that. khjfkdsdss